Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Zen Face. Ooooooohhhhhhmmmm.


Ok!  So!  Slowly my evil plan to take over the world is...
nowhere near coming to fruition, but my push for a positive mind and life seems to be.
I have broken free of the den of stagnation where bitching and moaning at each other is the norm and am finally moving into a more positive environment.  Where dickheads don't get invited around to drink to oblivion and be drunken, abusive, violent Fucktards in the presence of children, and where I might Actually get some proper work (writing) done without being interrupted every five minutes in a house that isn't a train station.
People who aren't creative or don't write really don't get it when you're sitting at the computer "in the zone" and they bust in and say "Yo, what are you up to?" and you say "writing" and they say "oh hey, that's cool, what are you writing about, fuck you shoulda seen this bitch up town, what did you do last weekend, do you wanna hot drink, so anyway bla bla blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"...
Yeah, that's nice, fuck off.

In the normal world, if you're in the house, you're not "working", and therefore have all the time in the world to listen to bla bla blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
Jesus, you'd be AMAZED how much crap I have(n't) listened to over the last year, smiling and nodding politely until they go away so I can get two minutes to get my head together before the next arrival arrives to undo my head.
"Couldn't you just go to your room?" I hear you ask?
Good question!  And NO is the answer to that.  I mean, Yes, I did.  I even put a lock on it.
You would think that would keep people out.  And/or give enough of a hint that I didn't want to be disturbed.  Right?
Here's the thing about coming from a large Maori whanau -
The word "PRIVACY" doesn't exist in any way, shape, or form.
Like... AT ALL.
I'm not even exaggerating here.
A locked door just means you have to bang harder, or keep pushing until the door opens.  DUH.
In any case, all that is about to change, and I'm so excited I could...  Oh who am I kidding... I'm too jaded to be 'excited' these days.  Mildly pleased is more appropriate.
Anyway, I'm so mildly pleased I could cough.
I'll be living in a house that isn't frequented by people I don't care about and/or don't want to see and/or don't want to listen to every five minutes, I'll have a large bedroom with a sliding door I can sneak bitches in and out of, and - most importantly -
IT HAS VERY LARGE WALLS that I am looking forward to making use of to aid my writing.
I haven't been so Mildly Pleased about writing in fuckin aaaaaaaaaaages.
Anyway.  Enough about Me.
Here's some more about Me and what I think about stuff.

No.  Not MY Mom.
MOM the sitcom by sitcom legend Chuck Lorre.
I don't know why this tickles my funny bone so much.
Perhaps it's because both my parents are dry now and I can relate to a drunken parent / drug-abusing-parent childhood... or perhaps it's simply because I can relate to a drunken, drug abusing adulthood.
Anyway, maybe I'm just high but I really love this show.
I love Anna Farris.  I LOVE Alison Janney.
And yeah, that's what I think about that.
I realise canned-laughter shows are about the bottom of the barrel as far as quality television goes, but if you keep an open mind and give this a chance, you might like it!

See, THIS is why I don't watch the news or keep myself insanely informed - because the snippets I DO get spark such tsunamis of emotion that I can't even deal.
I do NOT understand, nor do I want to.
And actually, even if it was carefully explained to me I probably STILL wouldn't understand, because let's face it -
There is no God, real or imagined (and let's face it, they're ALL imagined) that can condone this kind of OUTRIGHT EVIL SHIT.
This is all MANKIND'S doing, and now we come full circle to something I came to the conclusion about long ago...
Humans SUCK and are STOOPID.
All you need is Love!
Be kind to one another!
Don't be an asshole!
It's REALLY FUCKING SIMPLE, but obviously "simple" is a concept people like to complicate.
An emphatic UGH is all I have to say about that.
Later bitches.
Stay classy.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Breaking In B.B. + Purty Pictures.

Howdy folks.
I am remarkably calm this week.  Perhaps because the possibility of a move in house is on the horizon, and it will be a good stepping stone on the road to positivity - a much more calm and creative-juice-inducing environment.
Plus it has these walls that I can spread out all over - I'm a Wall Writer.  I need my plot mapped out in one giant controlled sprawl that I can see all of.  I've never been so excited about a wall.
So because of this placid-like state, I don't have a lot to complain about this week...  how bout that?
Sure, I could mention Tony Abbott and the circus that is the Australian Government right now, but really, isn't Every Government a circus anyway??  There's nothing new there.
I could mention plane crashes, and ISIS, and bla bla bla but I'm just not feeling like venting about them.  After all, life is all about the push for positivity now, so no moping over global crisis I can't solve...  at least for this week.
I only have an opinion on one thing this week.  And it is...

Well Fuck Me.
I know I am Well late to this train.  I've had 4 1/2 seasons of this on my hard drive for about 3 years now, and in 2012 I sat down and tried to watch it and couldn't get past the first episode.
Lately I have been churning through all sorts of stuff on my hard drive in order to clear some room, and I as hovered over the 'delete' button once I'd selected the Breaking Bad folder, I thought for a moment and then decided 'Fuck it.  It's renowned, it's revered, it won heaps of awards, there must be something to it, I'll give it One more go'.
I forced my way past the first two episodes, which in my opinion weren't great... and then got to the end of the very short first season and thought 'oh yeah, may as well carry on'... and that's when it Really kicked in.
It might have a slow start, but once season 2 kicks in, it's like an avalanche that just doesn't stop.  Lies upon lies and disaster upon disaster pile up slowly in carefully orchestrated and precisely brilliant chaos...
In short, this show is the mother-fucking shit, and I'm so happy I got to watch 90% of it in more-or-less one go... Fuck having to wait week by week, like the torture that is

(don't even get me started - 10 episodes a YEAR???  That's FORTY-TWO WEEKS of WAITING!!!  UGH!!!).
It's too good for that.
Aaron Paul is Amazing as Jesse.  To be perfectly honest, I think Bryan Cranston's Walter is a selfish prick, and some of the stuff he says is just like... what??  Are you serious???  How can you not see what a complete ARSEHOLE you're being, for No Reason!!!
Anyway, I know he dies in the end (how could I not - it was like the news of Dumbledore when Half-Blood Prince was published), so I'm safe in the knowledge that he gets his just desserts.
I am up to the last 8 episodes, and I am trying to download them as we speak (anyone in NZ know a good way to do this??  All the programs I use are just gateways to pop-up-ad hell.)
I'm so glad I kept it and watched it, because I am Con-Vert!
Big Time.
I've just arrived at the point where Walter has finally tied up loose ends but Hank has realised that W.W. is Walter White.
*Insert shrill voice here*
So, that's all that I have to say about anything this week.  But it's not like I haven't been doing anything.  So instead, I thought I would just show you.
Catching up with Christie and the latest addition to her brood.

Me and one of my many cuzzies, Reiana.

The painting by one of my mates' mothers whom I once told that a piece of hers had been hanging in my cousin James' shed for, like, ever, and she didn't believe me...
About 5 years later I finally have the proof.

Some cool walls at Aratoi, the Art Gallery in Masterton.

A talk I went to on the Treaty of Waitangi.  Many diverse and interesting opinions on the future of the Treaty in New Zeaand.

This ridiculously tiny pissing shed at Masterton Park.

Nice skies.

My DARLING niece Isobel...
How cute can one baby be???
Too Fucking Cute, that's what I reckon.
It's CRAZY how much I'm in love with her!!!
Laying waste to all cute babies before her...

 Beer Pong with the lads... and you can pretty much see where that night went...  Helloooooo Karaoke.


Creepy but cool "Funeral Care Wairarapa" that's opened LITERALLY at the end of my driveway.

On my Father's side I have roughly 30 first cousins, give or take.
On my mother's side I have 2.
This was those cousins Nana's 90th birthday cake.

Followed by my friends 60th.

Followed by a Sunday dip in the river and a Breaking Bad binge.
*aaaand head tilt*

Later Bitches.
Stay Classy.