Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Not the only useless one in the room.

It makes me feel good that, on returning to the blogosphere, I've noticed that all the blogs I follow have not posted in at least a year either, most of them 3 or 4 years.  Which means I'm not the only useless one in the room.  Hoorah!
Shut your Facebookholes.
Mostly I've returned to this arena because I get a little bit sick of people (friends) chiming in and judging me on my views of the world.
Mostly I have a really negative bent on the world, and I've been using my status updates to convey this via snarky and black, though intended to be humorous, statements.  Statements about advertising, about popular culture, about idiotic human behaviour...  However, people who know me well know that I'm not actually a complete narcissist, nor do I operate in the world without love in my heart.  Hell, I spend most days trying to avoid the negativity around me, and trust me, there's a lot of it.
While I strive to spend my day being productive and chasing the dream, I live with alcoholics and/or bad drunks who have no such inclination to make their life better, and live in repeating cycles of ignorance, acting on primal instinct (never thinking about how their actions might impact on those around them, least of all their children), or look past their own selfish needs to see the bigger picture, and I can never express an opinion on any of it because if I don't like it, I know where the door is.  This, needless to say, is a challenging experience.
As I said, I've been using Facbook as my social media platform to express, and while some see my rantings for what they are, others, who are (ahem) a bit more spiritually enlightened than I (according to them anyway), don't like such negative viewpoints on the world infecting their news feeds.
And that is fine.  Facebook is a social media forum, and we should all have control over what we feel like being blasted with and what we shouldn't.
And while I see it also a platform for free speech, here's what I don't agree with -
People (friends) using it as an open platform to judge me for my sometimes-less-than-agreeable viewpoints on the world...
Personally, I don't think I operate in such a manner (these days), and actually, this is something I find more offensive than anything I've ever written... Ok, maybe not anything, but you get my point.
While I agree that FB is an open platform, I don't agree that the stage I make for myself on it is YOUR stage to inhabit...  If you have an opinion on something, post it in YOUR status update.  Not as a thinly disguised yet preachy and holier than thou "response".
Sometimes responses such as these are sarcastic, and that's great, I'm all for sarcasm.  But only if it's funny.  The internet is a basically a breeding ground for it, so why fight it.
Am I making sense, or just rambling.  Basically, if you find things annoying, block them your feed.  If you find things offensive, you can block it, ignore it, or take a (public, on your own page) stance against it.  But as someone who's personality is all he has... don't try it take it from me, or judge me for it, because if you don't like it, you know where the door is.
Or better yet, as a friend, maybe you could try and see past it, see that I'm obviously not in the greatest frame of mind, and give me a call and ask me how I am.  Imagine that!

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