Tuesday, January 13, 2015



So now that I am superior to you all because I have given up Crackbook (except for those rare few who never joined in the first place and have steadfastly stayed on that boat - kudos), I had to find other things to do with my time.
One of those things has obviously been writing my blog again, but other things have included me trying to find a wider audience for my blog through... well... social media.
Since giving up my crackbook addiction, I have really devoted a lot of time to my Instagram account.  With crackbook I only stuck with people I knew, and didn't say "YES" to requests from strangers.
With Instagram, it's the complete opposite.  I'm basically using it as a means to create a fan base for A. This Blog, and B. Gather interest in DARK VALLEY.
For those of you who don't know what DARK VALLEY is, it is a fictional series concept I have been working on for years.  It began life as a hobby while I was in high school, and is basically a demented soapish-mystery series based Very loosely on myself and my friends.  While it was a hobby, over the course of about 3 years while I was finishing high school and my first year away from home, I managed to run up episode synopsis..es (what is the plural of synopsis anyway??) for 13 seasons, each containing 30 episodes.  That's 390 episode plots.
That's excessive.
Melrose Place was a favourite at the time, and if you know anything about it, you'll know that their plots were ludicrous, yet addicting.  I strove to surpass this high-bar.
About 7 years ago (jesus), after studying writing, and theatre, and acting, I came full circle and dug out the pile of DARK VALLEY synopsisees and began refining it into a pitch I could take to production companies and try and get my dream fulfilled and get it made into a television drama series.
It didn't take.  I've been given many shit reasons as to why this show "can't be funded at present", but I can hardly blame them because nobody can appreciate the vision I have for this world as much as me.
After going to film and television school and finding out firsthand afterwards just how rough the industry actually is (If you don't know anyone, you're fucked - I didn't), I've tried to let the dream die a slow death, but let's face it... if you have a passion, and an innate belief in something, you really can't.  It just eats away at your soul, like a parasite, until you are either forced to kill yourself or dust off the dream and get back to it.
I couldn't find a knife sharp enough to slit my wrists, but I did come across the duster while I was looking, so... the latter it had to be.
Because in essence DARK VALLEY is a story that I have GOT to get out of my system, I have begun to just write it.  No episode structure, no script structure, just... write the story.
In the coming months I will try to post some of this story per month on it's own site, but in the meantime, I have been building a - cough - fan-base on Instagram.
Which, in a paradox I don't particularly like, takes up a lot of time.  One might even call it a replacement addiction to crackbook...

And now I shall talk about some of my most favourite profiles on Instacrack.  In no particular order, here's ten.

1. IAMINFECTUS - Jesus Christ!  A fashion editor based in Milan, his pictures are off the hook, and quite frankly I don't understand how you jigsaw larger pictures in like that with the little ones, although now that I've said it out loud I'm sure I can figure it out.  He's awesome.  Check it.

 2. GEMINI_SCORPIO - Gemini's are a bit rubbish, but Scorpio's aren't, and for this you gotta take the good with the bad.  Colourful, interesting pics of boobs, buildings, and other just-plain-weird shit.

3. PASSIONTRIBE - Because sometimes you just need an uplifting, motivational wordpic.

4. THISISNOTIKEA - Not usually overly interested in a business doing advertising for its wares, but this vintage furniture shop in L.A. really does have cool and interesting shit.

5. ROIBSTER - Mountain Biker in Croatia posting AMAZING pics of his rides amongst nature.  Cool sunsets-through-trees and the like.  Very Purty.

6. WATERFALLSANDCARIBOUS - These two are old friends of mine who have been traveling the world and recently re-relocated back to Wellington.  Although their Instacrack is fairly dismal in terms of posts (7?? pfft), their blog is Awesome, all about their love of travel, and finding good coffee on their travels, and you should go read it.

7. NOISYDESPERATION - InstaArt at it's finest.  Go see.

8. ALANINTERFACE - A Designer Dad in Dunedin who's every pic is interesting and awesome.

9. JOSEFRAKICH and JEREMY_MOSER_FITNESS - Because they're two of the original fitness gurus I used to inspire me when I used to actually workout proper.  And they're fuckin hot.

10. GLAMFATHER - InstaArt at the next level.  Off the hook, spectacular amazingness awaits.


And now, back to me.

Just as an expansion on my previous ranting about hosting...
In a year that's all about pushing for positivity, I've decided to indulge my lighter side of life and have a rant about all the hosting things I ABSOLUTELY AND UTTERLY APPRECIATE about the friends and family in my life who DO get it right.
I LOVE when I do visit friends, and they buy and/or make you an utterly fabulous and delicious meal that is accompanied by ludicrous amounts of alcohol and a pre-arranged sleeping area. Which is about 98% of the time. My friends ROCK.
I have collected myself fucking GRADE A-CLASS peeps that I am proud and honoured to call my friends. Like... seriously. You could introduce me to all the most amazing people in the world, and I would lap it up and then go tell my friends about it. Cause NO ONE beats them.
You know who you are bitches. I looooooove you.

The woman behind the counter at the Carterton Library REALLY needs to watch who she is talking about in public...  I am sitting here listening to her slam off local businesses for their shit service.  Which, yes, I do all the time because shit service is right up there in my Top 5 Things To Hate, but... would I ever do that while I was working locally in a very public position where all and sundry can hear me?? HELL NO.  You do that shit over a beer at the pub, or over dinner at home.  NOT while you are working in a public place down the road from said business you are slamming and have no idea who could be listening.  Little ratbags like ME, for example.

I don't know if it's just the heat of summer getting to me or what, but lately I have been wanting to indulge in some really DEPRAVED sexual activity.  Like, break out the bondage and ball-gags and ropes and throw in a couple of extra people and just be totally Used type shit. And vice-versa.

I suppose that's fairly normal sexual activity for anyone who Does indulge in this kinda stuff on a regular basis, but man...
I haven't gone that dark during sex before... granted, there's been the odd leather-sling here and there, but mostly it's been pretty vanilla.
I want to get CRAZY on it.  Like, REALLY push the boundaries.
...Just thought you'd all like to know.
I have a couple of candidates who are interested in schooling me and/or letting me indulge in my "DO WHAT I SAY, BITCH!" side...
I'll let you know how I go with that :)
Yes - I am Totally thinking with my dick lately.
Stay classy Bitches.


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